Explore All AI Programs

Our academic programs support creative practitioners who strive for a world that’s brighter, more inclusive, relentlessly innovative, and ecologically resilient.

Practical courses that form a clear learning route starting from beginner to competency

Our programs are built under the consultation of IT experts who are currently working on AI-specialized fields as well as based on our students’ desire in developing a full-stack course that is relevant to the current market needs.

The Comprehensive Learning Path

Follow this path will help you save your precious time while still being able to acquire everything you need to land an AI-related job.

In this level, you will start on learning statistics, statistical learning, python, algorithms, basic ML & AI, Tensorflow and Pytorch.

With this level, based on your future desire, we recommend you to pick one course from the list below and follow it.

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

2. Computer Vision

3. Data Science

Reaching this level proves that you have come a long way in the journey of becoming an AI engineer.

We are happy to provide you with various practical projects and real-life case studies for your practice.

Note that you can jump straight to the course/level you want to study if you meet the minimum requirements for that course/level.

Mode of learning

Offline class

Our physical classes are based in Da Nang City. Each of them is fully-packed and is available for all courses.

Online class

If you wish to attend our class virtually, we would love to convey our lecture via the best video conferencing tools but still ensure a quality student-teacher interaction.

Mission & Vision

With the goal of making a real difference in the lives of young people who love technology, we are strived to provide a superior learning environment where people can learn, build, implement and share AI solutions.


Are you ready to begin this journey for yourself?

Hekate is a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence research and development company founded in 2016 with the mission of “Bringing the benefits of AI to everyone

Contact us

(DN) Kim Son Building, 18 Phan Thanh Tai, Binh Thuan Ward, Hai Chau District, Da Nang City

Copyright 2021 HEKATE All Rights Reserved.