
Computer Vision



1 month - 12 days


Starting date (tentative)

August 5, 2024



Offline, in Da Nang City



AI Engineer at Hekate Company (Refer to our company website) and ones from other AI companies



Day 01: Introduction to AI and Computer Vision & Image Classification:

  • Definition of the problem and review of CNN architecture
  • Common CNN architectures: AlexNet → VGG → ResNet → ResNext → GoogleNet → EfficientNet
  • Deep understanding of CNN: filter visualization, feature visualization, activation map

Day 02: Object Detection:

  • Definition of the problem and some methods prior to Deep Learning
  • Introduction to the R-CNN family, YOLO (v1-v10), and SSD models
  • Comparison and analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the models, evaluation metrics

Day 03: Image Segmentation:

  • Introduction to the problem and some algorithms prior to Deep Learning
  • Algorithms: UNet, Mask R-CNN, DeepLab v1, v2, v3, SAM

Day 04: Time-Series Model:

  • Introduction to the problem
  • RNN, LSTM, GRU, Transformer, Vision Transformer
  • Applications: 
    • Video Classification:
      • CNN-RNN
      • Transformer
    • Next-Frame Prediction: Convolutional LSTMs

Day 05: Image-Text and Image-Image problems:

  • Introduction to Image Captioning, Visual Question Answering, Image Generation
  • Image Captioning: LSTM, Attention, RNN, CNN, LSTM, CNN, CNN, RNN, LSTM
  • Visual Question Answering: CNN, LSTM, CNN/RNN, L2Norm, GRU, LSTM, RNN, ResNet, Attention, MUTAN
  • Image2Image: StyleGAN, PatchGAN, StarGAN, LDM, PCA, DDIM
  • Txt2Image: LEDITS++, SINE, EditBench, MirrorGAN, DiffRF

Day 06: Some advanced problems:

  • Introduction to OCR, Face Recognition, Pose Estimation/Gait Recognition, Object Tracking
  • Face Recognition: Linear Regression (LRC), DEF, CNN, GMM, VGG, GoogleNet
  • Gait Recognition: GaitSet, OpenGait, CNN
  • Pose Estimation: CNN, SVM, DNN, FPD, CNN, CRF
  • Object Tracking: SOTMOT, MeMOT, CNN, Transformer

Day 07: Applications development:

  • Web: Flask, FastAPI, Gradio, Ngrok
  • Code Version Control: Github, Gitlab

Day 08: Deployment:

  • Cloud: AWS EC2, GG Cloud
  • Web Server: Nginx, Apache

Day 09: Automation:

  • Docker, CI/CD




Enhanced skills & knowledge

You will acquire comprehensive knowledge and advanced skills in the Computer Vision field such as Image Classification, Object Recognition,... using cutting-edge algorithms.

Personal projects

You will build a portfolio of practical work that showcases your ability to apply AI techniques to real-world problems, enhancing your competitiveness in the job market or academic pursuits.

Networking opportunities

Our camp offers numerous networking opportunities, allowing you to connect with industry leaders, AI experts, and like-minded peers, fostering valuable professional relationships and future collaborations.

Career readiness

Through Hekate Academy’s referral, you can benefit from potential internship placements or collaborative projects with leading AI companies, providing real-world experience and professional growth after the camp.

Certificate of completion

Upon successfully completing the camp, you will receive a certificate that validates your acquired skills and knowledge, bolstering your credentials and enhancing career prospects.


Regardless of major, age, or background, you are a fit for our Camp as you possess the following prerequisite knowledge and skills:


Application round:​

July 1 - July 31, 2024

Early bird:​​

July 1 - July 14, 2024

(Opportunity for 100% scholarships + a slot for the global AI Hackathon in Korea)

Regular bird:​

July 15 - July 31, 2024

Aptitude test:

Sent to your email within 12 hours after your application


102 registration forms

9 universities nationwide

15 official campers

164 million VND scholarships

2 seminars

1 on-the-job workshop

12 personal projects

2 team projects

Do you need more information?
No problem! Ask us anything

Hekate Academy welcomes applications from everyone, regardless of whether you live in Vietnam or abroad. However, you must be able to be in Da Nang in August to participate in the offline camp.

The aptitude test will be conducted in English and will cover topics regarding Machine Learning, CNN, mathematics, and Python. When you register for early-bird, you will get an extra chance to take the test, so make the most of this opportunity!

Hekate Academy will consider your score on the aptitude test and your application to determine scholarship eligibility. For the aptitude test results, if you score between 90 and 100, you will be guaranteed a 100% scholarship, but the number of scholarships is very limited, so sign up now!

Information about the trainers will be gradually released on the Hekate Academy Fanpage, so please check back regularly for updates. In addition, we can reveal that the trainer from Hekate Academy is an AI Engineer who has worked on 3 Computer Vision projects from Hekate Company. You can read more about the 3 Computer Vision projects he has worked on here.

Yes, based on your performance in the AI Summer Camp and your motivation, Hekate Academy will help you refer your CV to our partner network. Our partnering companies will then proactively contact you and proceed with further next rounds.

Hekate is a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence research and development company founded in 2016 with the mission of “Bringing the benefits of AI to everyone

Contact us

179 Tran Hung Dao, Binh Thuan Ward, Son Tra District, Da Nang City